Terms and Conditions:

In order for Saltaire Art School to provide the highest quality art tuition that we can offer, there are a small number of terms and conditions that we ask you to follow to achieve this:


To avoid distracting other students, we ask that all students arrive 10 minutes before each lesson/event is due to start. This is to ensure that the whole class can start the lesson together and everyone will receive an equal level of tuition at the highest level. We urge you to be on time. 

Course Bookings/Refund Policy

Classes are booked in 6-week blocks, guaranteeing students a consistent weekly place on the course. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds for missed classes. Once a course has been booked, participants who choose not to continue for any reason will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid. By enrolling in a course, students commit to completing the full duration, and fees are non-refundable, regardless of attendance or personal circumstances. If for a genuine reason, you are unable to attend a booked class, we will always try our best to accommodate you elsewhere to make up for the missed lesson. However, please be aware, that this is not always possible and is entirely at our discretion. 

Children’s Classes/Events

  • On booking/enrolment, parents/carers should provide contact details for two authorised adult contacts who may be called in the event of an emergency.

  • On booking/enrolment, parents/carers should communicate who will be the designated adult to drop off/collect their child from the school. We understand that the designated adult may change due to circumstances, however, we always need to know in advance of each class who the designated adult for drop off/pick up will be, with contact numbers given. 


Your participation (including minors)  in any public event, private event or activity listing is at your sole and exclusive risk.  You agree and understand that injuries and damages can occur by natural causes or by the acts of other persons or third parties, either as a result of negligence or because of other reasons. You are personally responsible for all costs and/or risks associated with any public or private event or activity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, to the fullest extent allowed by law, you agree to waive, discharge claims, release "Saltaire Art School" (Saltaire Art School) from all liability and indemnify and hold harmless "Saltaire Art School" (Saltaire Art School), its organizers, hosts, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, volunteers and other partners and employees, from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages in any way connected with any events or activities. You agree and understand and intend that this assumption of risk and release be binding upon you and your heirs, executors, agents, administrators, and assigns, and includes any minors at the events.


Attendance at Saltaire Art School programs, events or public spaces constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print and/or electronic publicity for the Saltaire Art School. Photos, images, and videos submitted by users via social media may also be used by Saltaire Art School for promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of children, images of children will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent, or legal guardian. 

If you do not want us to use a photo or video of you or your child, please notify SALTAIRE ART SCHOOL in written form at admin@saltaire.art before the program. 


What we’re doing:

  • We have taken into consideration social distancing measures and make sure we limit our class sizes to the capacity of our venue to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

  • We take down contact details of all participants in classes and events so that we can effectively contact everybody affected in the unfortunate event that an attendee has developed symptoms of COVID-19. 

  • We sanitize all surfaces and workspaces in between classes and events to help minimise any potential spread of COVID-19. 


Covid–19, often referred to as coronavirus, is an infectious disease that can result in serious and potentially fatal illnesses. There is a risk of the transmission of Covid–19 in any environment where people come together. This risk increases in enclosed spaces and with increased numbers of people. The World Health Organisation has advised that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable. Upon entering Saltaire Art School and/or any of its event venues, you assume all risks associated with Covid-19. You also agree to:  abide by all government guidance aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus (details of which can be accessed via the following link https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus); and follow all directions provided by staff members and set out in the signage within the venue. You must not enter the venue if you believe that you may have been infected with Covid-19. Failure to comply with these measures shall entitle the venue to eject you from the event.